竹瓦温泉 / Takegawara Onsen



砂の中に埋まり汗を流す砂湯で有名な浴場で、浴衣を着て温泉の熱で温められた砂に蒸されること15分。体の中の老廃物が全て出た様な気分になれます。 現在の建物は昭和13年(1938)に建設されたもので正面は唐破風造(からはふづくり)の豪華な屋根をもつ日帰り温泉施設です。
This is a famous bathhouse for sand bathing, where you can sweat in the sand while wearing a yukata and be steamed by the heat of the hot spring for 15 minutes. You will feel as if all the waste products in your body have come out. The current building was built in 1938 and has a luxurious roof with a karahafu style (a type of gable) on the front. It is a day-trip hot spring facility.


営業時間:普通浴 6:30~22:30

料金:普通浴 大人300円 小人100円
